Monday, January 16, 2006

Weekend project evolution: from theramin to smoker

Went to the Juan Maclean show on Saturday night at Supreme trading, and when I wasn't entranced by the lead singer trying to eat the microphone and score coke off the crowd, I noticed that the keytar player also spent a good bit of time freaking out on theramin. I was impressed, so a buddy of mine and I decided to built one. Here are the plans I came up with:

As you can see, the project evolved, and I clearly designed a meat smoker built from two garbage cans, not a theramin. Fuck it. What was I going to do with a theramin anyway? I'm gonna run with this.

Obstacles (any ideas?):
-cooling of the fire can. I need a way to keep the fire can from reaching deadly temperatures and exploding or something. Probably going to involve ceramics.
-I was going to put this on my fire escape, but that could be a source of DEADLY IRONY. And, as Will pointed out, is like saying fuck you to my upstairs neighbors. So I don't have anywhere to put this thing.

Solution: Sean O'brien. He's an engineer and has a back yard, which means he should be good for some ideas and a place to put the smoker. He's going to help me, but doesn't know it yet. Hi Sean; can you help me?



Please note that all plans are preliminary--I'm working on the CAD drawings. This is going to be so boss.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check it: Bradley ORIGINAL SMOKER

4:53 PM  

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